Friday, October 18, 2013

Last minute thoughts

What's on your last minute list?
  • Alert credit card companies and banks (if you will be using your ATM card to get cash) that you will be using the cards in Europe
  • Make a list of numbers to call if credit cards are lost/stolen, carry one copy with you and leave one with someone you trust
  • Send itinerary and flight info to family, put a copy in your checked luggage as well as carry on
  • Send a link to this blog to family and friends
  • Add international calling to cell phone plan
  • Check the long-range forecast ( or and make sure you have appropriate clothing
  • Check the camera batteries; put the camera manual in your bag and pack extra batteries or a battery charger
  • Update voice mail and e-mail auto-reply message
  • Charge device batteries (pda, iPod, mobile phone) and spares
  • E-mail critical documents to your webmail account (for example, make a pdf file of your passport information page and mail it to yourself)
  • Remove unnecessary cards from wallet (library, video rental, punch cards, extra credit cards 
Household stuff:
  • Set heat and water heater at minimum
  • Set lights on timers
  • Turn off coffee pots or other appliances with automatic turn on
  • Turn off ice maker
  • Get rid of perishables in refrigerator
  • Water plants
  • Empty trash and clean kitchen
  • Lock all windows and doors
  • Power-off computer and other sensitive electronic equipment
  • Return library books

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